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20954 2017-09-23T21:49:49 14
设计师: 鄭伊喻

自然優雅又充滿雜貨與手感設計的法式鄉村風格. 屋主是位經常在出國時,喜歡獨自在巷弄間穿梭尋找美麗的事物,喜好收集與生活美感相關的大小雜貨,後期更愛上自己親自動手手做家具。 本案希望呈現出纖細優雅細膩的風格氣質,空間設計中局部的曲線造型設計,搭配上優雅細膩的仿舊家具等等…..在沙發的樣式挑選及邊桌的桌腳均呈現曲線的造型。而採用厚實的坐墊卻又給人一種溫暖舒適的質感,讓客廳營造出舒適慵懶的鄉村氛圍。另外在書房的靠窗處設計有著收納功能的臥榻,能舒服的閱讀並享受南台灣溫暖陽光的親吻。在餐廳處挑選的餐桌椅展現出沉穩細膩,搭配業主自己手做的餐櫃,並擺上從各個國家蒐集回來的各式餐盤、鐵件、陶藝品等等有故事的藝術品,每每看見這些收藏就想起置身國外時找到喜歡物品時的心情。對於房間的需求,白天時明亮夜晚時寧靜舒適,不想要空間太過工整制式,希望整體看起來像是有點歲月的感覺,在家裡的任何角落都能自在放鬆的使用。另此案中還加強設計了一個隱藏版的儲藏室,隱密版的儲藏室,讓業主周遊列國的收藏品有地方收藏……….. The design presents French country style and is full of natural and elegant elements. The owner of the house enjoys searching beautiful small household designed items whenever he goes overseas. In the latter days, he even likes to handmade his own furniture. This design project aimed to show a fine elegant and delicate style. The components used in the space design such as curves and delicate imitation old furniture. Also, the curves in sofa and side tables, thick and solid cushion etc. echo country atmosphere, warm and cozy. In addition, the study room embraces a couch with storage function. People can enjoy the warm sunshine of the southern Taiwan while reading on the comfortable couch. In the dining area, presents a special selected delicate dining table and the owner hand-made dining cabinet. A full collections of dishes, iron pieces, pottery that the owner obtained from overseas also display in the dining cabinet. The items are all art pieces and remind the owner’s excitement during searching. As for the bedroom, the request is full of bright light during the day and cozy comfortable during the night with some age feeling so that people can relax at home. What is more, a hidden version storage room is the home to all the owner’s various overseas collections.





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