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艾拉島 Isle of Islay

13673 2018-05-09T17:55:40 31 [精品]
设计师: 謝松諺 ( 一水一木室內裝修設計工程有限公司 )
艾拉島 Isle of Islay说明:

「如果我們的語言是威士忌,當然,應該就不必這麼辛苦了。我只要默默伸出酒杯,你只要接過去安靜地送進喉嚨裡去,只要這樣應該就成了。非常簡單,非常親密,非常正確。」— 節錄自《如果我們的語言是威士忌》,春上村樹。

“If our language is a glass of whiskey, we don’t have to try so hard for sure. All we need is hold the glass gently. That’s all we need. So simple. So intimate. So certain.”

                         -If Our Language is a Glass of Whiskey, Murakami Haruki


The exquisite words from Murakami Haruki show us the unique atmosphere of Isle of Islay and the strong bonding between human beings. Although Isle of Islay has piercingly cold weather, it found a connection between millions of people. The low beam space and the cold air reminds the designer of this enchanting Island. That is the reason why the designer name it Isle of Islay. Isle of Islay, the home of Ireland whiskey, born in awful weather and left alone, isdragged into 39 square feet space. The peat-liked smoky atmosphere makes the space dim and indigo. It also shows the unique taste of the owner. To make Whiskey as a token, connecting the strong but elegant love between newly married couple.

艾拉島的意象 / The imagery of Isle of Islay


The material of this artistic work shows the exquisite thought of the designer. The door for the study room is made from stainless steel which symbolizes the piercingly cold weather of Isle of Islay. The wood floor make the connection to the peat from Isle of Islay. Laminate represent the mottled feeling. The concrete wall means the architecture on the island. Once you open the front door, you will see the marble wall. The texture of the marble wall symbolize the stream. When it comes to the night, the warm candle light shines on the wood. It will make you feel like you are hiding in a secret place in the winter. Warm, comfortable and peaceful.

以人為本 / Human-oriented


The space is full of expression. The semi-open place stronger the spaciousness. The sliding door is adjustable. The sloping chink on television wall makes the light slide inside the living room and connecting the rooms. The design is unique. The designer put the sofa in the middle of the living room which makes people in the center of the room. The iron cabinet is at the back of the sofa which stronger the storage function and the sense of design. People can walk around the living room but not be restricted by the sofa. It is an interactive space, just as the role of Whiskey, to make each other closer. If their language is a glass of whisky, we are the architect of Isle of Islay. Brewing the rich fragrance in the glass, and last the phenomenal sonnet for long.


The space is just as the role of Whiskey, to make each other closer. If their language is a glass of whisky, we are the architect of Isle of Islay. Brewing the rich fragrance in the glass, and last the phenomenal sonnet for long.








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  • 謝松諺 (一水一木室內裝修設計工程有限公司)
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