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幻 境 夢 遊

19781 2018-08-21T18:03:15 29 [精品]
设计机构: 呈境室內裝修有限公司
幻 境 夢 遊说明:






Resembling the surrealistic design style, the design plan of the hole establishes its main idea based on the sensations of lunatic, fascination, imagination, illogicalness, etc. Inspired from the fairy tale story “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland,” the designer exploits the methods suggesting a little fantastic exaggerations and amplifying colors that invent the sophisticate and splashy design work.

Influenced from the story plots that Alice encounters into scenarios describing the fascinating characters rabbit, clock, etc., the designer implements the imaginative characteristics in formulating the design plan on the first floor.

A plentiful of opposite colors have huge influences on the visual contacts, of which the ceilings, walls and floors adorned with flashy objects show distinguishing atmosphere accordingly. The hotel is full of distinctive elements e.g. vertical, horizontal, slash, rhombic, polished glass, frosted glass, vivid illuminations, etc.

At the door entrance, the gigantic chair with cyan edge and vivid cushion is enchanting. Furthermore, the huge white floor lamp is eye-catching in the dim space.

The ceiling furnished with mirrors and bronze pipes presents the fantastic atmosphere. Likewise, the LEDs on top of the bar area manifest the magic effect. The entire space is abundant with wild imaginations, which represent not only the story plots, but also the Freud theory about subconscious. The hotel is a perfect example materializing the fanciful creativity in the real world.

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