A mixed form of the East and the west.
In order to reflect the character of international city, the artistic conception of Chinese literature is integrated into the private reception hall, which is based on the western architectural concept. The style is divided into three areas according to the age. Each area’s tone is set by a classic Chinese poem. The " Yin(隱) area is gentle and restrained. The "Wen(文)" area is eye-opening. The " Chao(潮)" area is trendy and bold. The immersive experience is planned to combine the East and the West.
入口。 一座照應各年齡層的私人招待會所,以三首唐宋詩詞定調空間設計,精彩烘托三種文人意境。
入口階梯。 東形西色,以中國三大文人為喻冠絕繽紛魔都17-18世紀歐洲沙龍聚會表現私人社交場域之極致
入口。 未來計畫結合品牌舉辦藝術展演與時尚走秀活動,促成更頻繁的人際互動,豐富城市內涵。