DESIGN CONCEPT▶A“Refreshing Trendy-Briskness”style...
■/案名』“天元观湘云顶”空中复式样板房/ ■/设计者』王承祖+贺薇/詹姆史迪夫(台湾)空间设计/ ■/参与者』仇仕强/詹姆史迪夫(台湾)空间设计/ ■/效果图』李兵/长沙泓图视觉设计 ■/空间属性』空中复式错位叠层集合住宅/ ■/座落位置』湘潭市雨湖区沿江风光带/ ■/风格导向』时尚清新奶油派 ■/主要建材』北美橡木洗白染色、全房订制烤漆柜体+造型墙板、大片岩板、实木地板、镀钛栗子铜+ 黑钛不锈钢、磁吸轨道灯组、造型壁灯、造型铝铜板、劳伦金黑+爵士白大理石、长虹玻璃、瓷砖、肌 理漆、壁布、造型软包、造型订制家具...等/ ■/面积』190平米/(下层135M²+上层55M²) ■/设计时间』2023年03月至04月/ ■/预计施工时间』2023年05月至07月/
设计不是技艺,是设计师体验之后的感情传达。生活之美与艺术创作之间,有着相似的情感脉络,与 空间使用者的生活方式深深交织;还原建筑空间的本真,大面采光的江景吸纳,为空间注入满满元气 の能量循环,书写居家生活空间的美丽篇章。。。
Design is not a skill, it is the expression of feelings after the designer experiences it. There is a similar emotional vein between the beauty of life and artistic creation, deeply intertwined with the lifestyle of the occupants. Restoring the true essence of architectural space, absorbing the river view with large lighting, injecting full vitality and energy circulation into the space, writing a beautiful chapter of home living space....
整个空间以奶油+杏灰+原木洗白色系组成,给人一种高雅、时尚、温柔的感觉,设计师将大面江景纳 入客厅及主卧空间,宽大的落地窗极好的引光入室,家的静谧与和谐,在此刻精彩上演。。。
10.Master Bedroom-2
11.Master Bedroom-3 03 主卧 Master Bedroom 感知无拘无束 超大的卧室,摆放可供休闲的沙发茶几组,形成卧室相对独立的休闲区域,床头背景の弧形布艺软包 的加入,体现出家居空间的柔和感,温馨大气的韵味就此铺陈而来。。。 简约柔美的空间中,暨保留了浪漫法式情调,又加入了时尚轻奢元素,以无主灯的设计手法,梳理空 间的层次,勾勒出生活的仪式感和精妙感;还原建筑本真的美学手法 ,将自然与光线融入居住环境 ,当代时尚与简约清新的手法,在这裏完美的揉合呈现,传递着考究品质的精神体验,这种美妙的体 验暨是人与人之间的关系,也是人与空间的关系。。。 In the simple and soft space, not only the French romantic style is retained, but also the light and extravagant elements are added. With the design technique of no main lamp, combing the level of the space, sketching out the ritual and exquisite feeling of life, integrating the architectural aesthetic techniques, integrating nature and light into the living environment, the perfect display of modern and fashion here, transmitting the spiritual experience of elegant quality, this wonderful experience is the relationship between people. It's also the relationship between man and space.