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18703 2012-11-19T16:50:13 36
设计师: 黃庭芝
空間背景營造,採戲劇化的手法轉化於空間 源自葡萄牙文,指“不規則的珍珠”,是17世紀藝術的總稱,發源於羅馬, 流行於整個歐洲藝術界,如有巴洛克風格繪畫、巴洛克服飾、巴洛克建築…等。 我們以巴洛克時期,風格特色:奢華的歐式宮廷風格,追求繁複的線條及富麗堂皇的裝飾, 戲劇化的氛圍,顯現在建築及繪畫的藝術上,將元素轉化為室內空間氛圍的演繹; 每一個空間以戲劇化的手法,加上轉折的線條及反差對比的色彩, 並簡化誇張繁複的歐式線條, 延伸於空間的動線鋪陳,燈光的溫度及色調氛圍,凝聚了空間情調, 且融入時尚感的材質,鏡面、金屬、石材 …等有光澤的材質呈現, 保有巴洛克奢華的精神,運用絲絨繃布、皮草及貴氣的圖騰,營造時尚華麗的精緻空間。 Create a space background, and adopt dramatic transformation in the space It derived from the Portuguese word Barroco, refer to irregular pearl, it elaborated the general term for the art of the 17th century, and originated in Rome. It was popular throughout the Europe circles, such as Baroque painting, Baroque costumes, Baroque architecture ... and so on. We adopted Baroque period, style and characteristic: Luxurious European-style palace, which was in the pursuit of complex lines and magnificent decorative, dramatic atmosphere, manifested in architecture and the art of painting, and transformed the elements to interpretation of interior space atmosphere Each space was used by dramatic techniques, turning lines and contrasting with the color. Also, it simplified the complicated exaggerated European-style lines, extended the stream lines to the space, temperature of light, atmosphere of color, it embodied space mood in itself. Through material presentation of fashion sense, mirror, metal, stone, and other shiny materials, etc ... we retained the spirit of Baroque luxury, adopted of velvet stretch fabric, fur and extravagance of the totem, then created a gorgeous sophisticated fashion space.

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