作品分类 > 室内设计 > 住宅空间 > 普通家装 > 王俊宏作品
設計師:王俊宏 參與設計:陳睿達、曹士卿、周怡君、張維君、黃運祥 主要建材:鐵件、風化木、噴漆、超耐磨地板 空間坪數:55坪 空間格局:3房2廳2衞 施工日期:2010.6~2010.10 攝影師:KPS游宏祥 ----- 自然隨性 線條,給予人的律動感,總是機械式而規律的。 空間裡,自然的光線讓線條比例,以一種絕非秩序的想像的姿態,包容生活環境,動靜之間,衍生動人表情及感受存在的永恆與變化。 結構與節點之間的耐人尋味,由線條衍生發展,輕重虛實之間,形塑視角裡空間最大的魅力。以建築概念的縮影為本,運用透視手法,說明空間連續的張力。由大門進入,以鐵件作為格柵語彙,衍生成為玄關意象及客廳主牆,在虛實通透之間,對應該區域複式性的機能表情,跳脫制式的介面界定或櫃體林立的意象,低限的檯面設計,虛實感覺強烈的主牆意象,營造輕盈漂浮的視覺效果,開闊而連貫的張力,作為接續廳區活動範疇的風景,整個空間由此確立自由、更無拘束的界定分際。 化繁為簡,說的是顏色、線條,可以是材料、介面。 「線條是一種力。這種力的作用與其他基本力一樣。」亨利•凡•德•費爾德說。藉由線條形構出意味式的姿態,於是從入口玄關,體現複合式的機能架構,運用實木的溫潤特質,由廳區開始引申,或介面、或櫃體、或區域之間的轉換,循著自然的脈絡紋理,交錯並列著與光影之間的對應層次,使視線停格在空間裡任一角度,都可感受到在虛實之間垂直水平的延伸張力。由內而外的生活美學建構基礎係來自於「人」的提昇,因此不將空間以制式的型態呈現,從觀察生活動態開始,給予居住者發揮創意的隨性隨想,作為空間未來自主意識的部分,提高生活層面的可塑性。 Flowing with Nature Lines – it projects a rhythm that is mechanical and ordered. Yet in a given space, streams of natural lighting can express the dynamic and eternal feelings of the environment and its inhabitants in a non-orderly way. The extension of lines to connect ideas and reality to shape the angles of our vision is a great fascination. Peaking into the main entrance, the metal pieces along the walls forms the corridor and leads to the living room wall, creating a contrast between ideas and reality, boundlessly connected by a wide vies. The next step is making things simpler, from the choice of colors, lines, to the selection of material and interface. “Line is a kind of power, it functions just like other forces in nature, “Henry Fredrick Vander Velde once said. From the entrance and the corridor one can see the compound expression in the structure by utilizing the warm texture of solid wood. Under the influence of light and shadows the change between each area clearly follows the natural texture, overlapping one another. No matter which corner the vision is fixed upon, one can experience the force of lines and extersion between idea and reality. The idea is based on improving the “human” aspect of the environment based on habits of the inhabitants.
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