作品分类 > 室内设计 > 住宅空间 > 普通家装 > 王俊宏作品
場所精神受風格派當中被立體主義影響最深的Theo van Doesburg的設計思維引導,將斜角角度經由線面的擴張,轉化成有調性的旋律,運用幾何造型的規律及秩序性,呈現等量分割的表情。 設計的起源,從酒櫃當中各個錯落不規則的塊狀空間,開始衍生。 相仿的語彙出落在客廳主牆面石材切割拼貼的背景、客廳與餐廳、餐廳與走道、走道左右各自底端由皮革切割繃製而成的端景牆面、客廳與書房之間摺疊門扉上的噴紗圖騰,從線、面、發展至於立體,筆直而流暢的線條,經由斜裁產生不對稱的魅力效果,串聯出空間曠達的氣勢。 Inspirations in the Environment Inspired by the paintings and dimensional designs of Theo van Doesburg, this project transforms planes and lines through diagonal angles into vivid rhythms, and gives life to order and patterns in the surroundings. The origin of this design came to life between the irregular cubes in the cellaret, and spread along the stone-covered wall of the living room, to the dining room, then to the leathery walls of the hallway. From there it radiates on to the door between the living room and study room as totem patterns on the door. The playful geometric arrangements of lines and planes in the environment become 3-dimensional figures that create a new meaning, and evoke a new reality.
設計師:王俊宏 參與設計:曹士卿、陳睿達、梁信文、張維君、黃運祥 主要建材:木皮、鐵件、茶色玻璃、石材 空間坪數:70坪 建築類別:電梯大樓 空間格局:四房兩廳三衞 施工日期:2010.1~2010.9 攝影師:游宏祥 -----
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