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14850 2014-11-05T17:53:05 13 [佳作]
设计机构: 詠翊設計股份有限公司
 從寬敞的客廳開始,如抽象雕塑作品般的沙發與展示櫃,乃至刻意加深創造層次變化,且同樣保有冷抽象設計感的天花板,而其創造的豐富的光線變化,亦反射在由雙色玻璃組成的抽象玻璃門廊中。透過諸多彼此呼應的材質元素與細膩安排,相互穿透、映射的豐富空間視覺感,創造出具有豐富層次感的抽象美學空間。   空間看似皆為深褐色為底,上方則以灰暖白與之相應,設計師仍透過各種材質屬性與選色,在其中混入了偏紅、偏綠或深或淺的細膩變化,並在其中藏入了更為深刻的情感肌理。而在客廳一角與上述物件相望的另一環形沙發區,又或者各種家飾、傢俱的造型與質感選擇,除了創造更多溫度與空間質感變化,皆相當程度地呼應著北歐美學與荷蘭風格派間的縫合意圖。
 Detail and Minimalistic Expressionism 
 The design details give subtle hints of Dutch De Stijl movement. The minimalistic Expressionist living space is warm, open and inviting as well as resplendent.
From the spacious living room, the sofa and the display cabinet are like sculptures installations, accentuating layering in space. The minimalistic expressionist ceiling design creates rich variations in lighting and casts reflections on the double pane glass corridor. With multitudes of materials and meticulous arrangements, the different elements overlap and penetrate each other, their reflections greatly enriching the visual experience. The result is a rich layering of expressionist aesthetics in space. At a glance the space seems to be composed of mainly mahogany color, and the upper space has gray with warm white. The designer aptly utilized each material's unique essence, texture and color and subtly mixed-matched it with red, green colors or darker and lighter tones. Deep emotions are embedded within the design. In the living room the organic form of the sofa and specially selected furniture accent the space with warmth and variety of textures. The holistic experience offers warm and spatial textural variations like the northern European and De Stijl aesthetics.
   The design is visually holistic and harmonious. Its potential is heightened with variations of materials and asymmetrical aesthetics that response to each other. It explores horizontality, perpendicularity, dark and light colors, making what seems ordinary extraordinary.

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