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10705 2015-09-08T13:48:30 11 [佳作]
设计师: 陳正晨

此案以木質色為基底搭配明顯的灰色石英牆,灰白的大理石桌平衡色彩,同時為了張顯不同區域的特色,運用了粗糙與光滑、溫暖與冰冷的材質對比,產生了張力與張力的平衡。另一方面此空間為面長型的空間,為了更凸顯空間的張力,擴大店面的視覺效果,特以凹凸的石英牆面與光線的配合以及木質線條的延展,將視線從入口一路延伸至底,創造出空間層次,讓單一空間產生對話。木紋的溫度使得餐廳回到最原始的味道,做出最溫暖人心的料理,不再誇張的修飾,顏色不再那麼強烈,線條不再復雜,不論主廚或用餐者皆可以沉澱,沉浸在這空間,藉此層次的氛圍轉化成享受於表演後的餘韻,帶給用餐者更深層的情緒感受,形成料理與空間美好的畫面。 挑戰不同的空間視覺效果,在入口佈置窗櫥的效果,打破日本料理神秘封閉的門面採用大面窗景效果,入口的八角升降桌放低可供展室佈置,聲高可供八人用餐,吧台對面延伸的立體石板牆面串起空間主題,打破既有日本料理吧台印象,取消冰箱在吧檯上的既有操作模式,打開料理者與客人間的距離,料理即是一種表演,師傅誠心為客人準備食材。搭配客人聚餐的需求,規劃非吧台位置,入口的八人桌及俱隱私效果的包廂區。

This case used the design of wooden base and a clear gray quartz walls. Gray marble table could balance the color and emphasize the characteristics of different regions. And we use the factors rough with the smooth; warm with the cold, which are the contrast materials to result in a balance of tension. On the other hand, this is a long-space design in order to highlight the tension and the store could get the expanded visual effects. Especially the uneven quartz walls could match to the light and extending the wooden line, making a extended sight from the entrance all the way to the bottom and creating a space level. Wood factor could make a feeling of warm atmospheres and it makes the restaurant back to the original flavor so that the chef here could make the most heart-warming food. Without using exaggerated modifications and less intense color, lines here are no longer complex. It will be a released space for both the chef and the people who dining here. This space not only brings diners deeper emotional feelings but also creats a beautiful picture of food and space' balance. The wooden framed window next to the entrance serves as a showcase and creates a brand new visual effect, which turns the notion of mysterious aspects of Japanese cuisine on its head. In addition, an octagonal dining table right after the entrance gate features the versatility of being utilized as a display case when this lift table is in the lower position. The wall opposite to the bar section, embellished with stone panels in a cubic manner, runs the length of the restaurant to connect other parts on the same theme. Unlike the conventional setting of Japanese restaurants, the refrigerator is not installed on the countertop and the distance between chefs and customers is shortened as a result. With the chef’s skills and cordiality, the culinary process was transformed into performing art. Furthermore, a private room was incorporated into the design as an ideal venue for family gatherings and social events.

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