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寶駒 / 寶居

122460 2016-07-28T16:32:53 27 [佳作]
设计机构: 呈璐空間設計
寶駒 / 寶居说明:


車庫裡勁酷超跑與沉穩的車界紳士,靜享周邊壁面皆精心設計的空間 。銳利速度感的造型天花線條,讓光線表達超跑英姿

與室內相連接的90°環繞玻璃,將車庫空間渲染出奢華美感。盛開的花朵,以嬌豔之姿,綻放於餐廳的天花,喜迎 來賓。

轉身走入,站在圓形的大理石、水刀切割圖騰的地 板中央,此令每一位到訪的賓客,都能感受到備受禮遇與 尊寵的氛圍 。

炫目奢靡的金色圖騰天花,其藝術感無與倫比,與簡約時尚的沙發共襯出精緻優雅之品味。挑高的客廳空間, 運用巧思挑選的石材做為主牆,大器之勢綿延不絕。

客廳與餐廳共處,視覺上無限延伸,且明顯地展現出不同休憇 空間之優勢。


配金屬感皮革突顯其華麗氣勢,床頭兩側鏡面噴紗圖騰微微的光影折射,營造低調靜謐的睡眠場域。 客製化的床頭飾板與精雕細琢的天花圖騰,再搭配金屬感皮革突顯其華麗氣勢,床頭兩側鏡面噴紗圖騰微微的光影折射,營造低調靜謐的睡眠場域。



Luxury and outstanding layout are from the obsession to details.

The super cool sports car and gentlemen who love speed are all well enjoy the meticulously designed wall finishes in the garage space.

Sharp and speeded ceiling lines allows light to express the coolness of super sports car. 90-degree glass partition renders luxury and high class garage space.

Flowers in full bloom with the posture of delicate and charming blooming in the ceiling of the restaurant to greet guest.

Standing on the pattern of water-cut marble flooring gives every visiting guests feelings of courtesy, respect and well treated.

The un-comparable sense of the artistic and dazzling golden patterned ceilings and contemporary sofa shows the refined sense.

The stone main wall in the high-ceiling living room flows to the dining area which obviously shows unique chill out lounge atmosphere.

The more superior, people can enjoyed the fine cuisine while watching the streamlined supercar in the speeded lighting design in the garage.

It's feels like in the luxury cosmos party. custom made head board, delicate ceiling patterns and the metallic leather which highlight its magnificent momentum.

Sandblasted pattern mirror with slightly refracted light and shadow creates a low-key and quiet sleep field.



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