開門後印入眼前的是華麗氣派的手工雕琉璃藝術玻璃 . 黑底金葉透出尊貴氣息 隱藏在其中的隱藏門後是充滿機能的衣帽空間 . 擺置此畫面中的藝術品貴氣滿堂 馥郁饒姿. 搭配上獨特的地板圖騰 在隱約的重疊光影景緻中彰顯出整個迎賓空間的雍容氣度 .
轉入客廳典雅氣息 . 撲面而至 . 色彩獨特的水晶燈與白色雕花的展示櫃體遙相呼應 . 在區隔客餐廳空間的隔間 . 採用半透明且裝飾琉璃彩珠的藝術玻璃嫣然展現出高雅姿態 . 並讓其後方餐廳空間的光線通透卻不透明 . 餐廳裡雕花成畫 . 光影成景 . 沒有絢麗風景只有高貴富足的態度 . 在這開放的公領域空間中營造出雋永典雅的情緻
The shadow effect in the design As soon as the door is opened, presented is the gorgeous hand-carved art glass. It’s decorated with gold leaves in black background and reveals distinguished atmosphere. Behind the hidden door is the fully functional space for clothing. The extraordinary art pieces placed here echo the unique floor totem. Together, the overlapping light and shadow manifest the gracefulness of the entire guest area.
The living room is embraced with classically elegant atmosphere - unique colored crystal lamp echoes white carved display cabinet. A big piece of translucent graceful glass decorated with colored beads is used to divide living room and dining room. The s...