客廳、餐廳、廚房串聯到底的建築動線,除了讓視覺一覽無遺,拉長空間連結,更將進到二樓的視覺重點直接往窗外的綠意延伸。' Hand over the Olive Leaf',就如同這典故一般,方舟上的鴿子叼著新摘的橄欖,捎來和平的消息,生活的紛亂已經過去。
Combining with Exterior architecture and Interior design in one concept.
~ After the great flood, Noah sends out a dove to see if the waters have subsided. The dove returns with a fresh olive leaf in her beak and since then the dove became a symbol of peace. The chaos is over, the peace is coming . ~
Design Description:
From the exterior building to the interior design, this project is contained whole the programming and creating by one concept and staff. We want to showcase the nature elements, such as sun, air, trees to incorporate the daily life. Not only making the environment more comfortable but also emphasizing the space with nature.
The Verb of Nature, Have over an Olive Branch to Life.
'' When I first time stood in this place, I saw the fascinating nature beauty with green trees. I was stunning by the scenery, and decided to name for this: The South Stone With Olive Leaf.'' the architect says, '' I want the building and interior design showcase the spectacular nature green.''
The structure was designed to penetrate the vision in traditional space, it makes the living room, dining room and kitchen arrange in a line. Not only extending the space, but also focusing the sight which directs to the nature of the green balcony.
Just like the story tells, Have Over An Olive Leaf. We want people who live here can humble their mind, learning toward the nature, aiming to bring back peace life.
It is worth mentioning that we set the patio in the central of building, the primary conceptual idea behind the design is to lighten the living space, making more nature ingredients into daily life, such as morning sun and milk moonlight with breeze. Nature is utilized inside the structure, that is our main purpose to make people feel.