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台灣 Yuli Design Studio 辦公室

47921 2019-01-08T16:02:57 11 [精品]
设计机构: 由里室內設計
台灣 Yuli Design Studio 辦公室说明:



In Taiwan ,Various shop signs full everywhere . Upright, horizontal, uneven height of the signs led to the building facade design can’t see. So we want to change that. The appearance of a large area of the building facade design combined with the "punching plate" translucent effect to retain the privacy and visible , the light with a variety of angles have their own posture, breaking the previous open lighting design, in this old street, It seems new. For the old house re-positioning.

In fact, previous lighting of the houses in Wennan Rd. is the one-sided back-to-back long and narrow type, so it is impossible to introduce natural lighting to the rear part of the house.  This makes us to hope to introduce more lighting and keep the indoor and outdoor space connected at the same time.

The visual barrier caused by indoor partitions is removed. The unnecessary decorative materials are cut. The translucent glass book wall implicitly intrigues the pedestrians what we are doing. In addition to lighting, we move the trees indoor, let the birds fly inside and let the green nature indoor. A friendly interior design workshop lets the owner see our design nature at the very first sight.

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