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9853 2020-09-11T16:10:11 11 [佳作]
设计机构: 彥霖室內裝修設計工程有限公司


A space with the characteristic of sense and simplicity has an undertone of a strong character.  The beauty of natural materials in the space enhanced by the subtle and balanced light and shade creates a spatial equilibrium between sensibility and sense.


業主是丹麥人,期望將Hygge 精神帶入210米平方空間設計內。Hygge講究心靈層次,強調生活的態度,本該以靜逸悠然態度,來尊重生命與自然本身,並面對生活日常中的食衣住行種種。

The client is from Denmark and wishes to bring in the concept of Hygge to the design.  With a focus on spiritual contentment and well-being, Hygge believes in coziness and conviviality.  It is a belief that respect for nature is the way to deal with everyday life.



While bringing in the concept of Hygge, the space is designed with corners of coziness, which is the focus of the space.  The space has beautiful corners and areas, which creates subtle and elegant layers of space.  The space planning echoes the philosophy of Hygge, allowing the client to enjoy the warmth and joyfulness.



According to clients need, lighting is elaborately designed.  The sunlight shining through the window interlaps to the well-designed lighting sources.  Natural light intertwines with the designed lighting to connect different areas in the space and give the space warmth and sophistication.



While providing a public area with a sense of openness, the wine cellar showcase at the dining area becomes the central axis and focus of the residential space.  The client can be relaxed in different corners of the public domain, enjoying wine tasting or taking pleasure in drinking freely, while everyday life evolves.



The public domain space is well organized with a vibe of minimalism, focusing on balance and visual symmetry. There are corners for resting in each area; space planning is based on the smooth traffic flow. The living room is equipped with two sets of sofas placing against each other back to back with a partition wall in the middle separating each other. On one side facing outward, it has a view of the TV and the foyer. On the other side facing inward, one can enjoy the elegance in serenity. The partition wall working as the boundary applies the fair-faced concrete paint to add a unique character.



The kitchen area and the dining area are the axis of the whole project.  Instead of facing the wall, the cooking area is turned to face the dining area, directly looking at the entire public domain.  With the concept of Altruism, hence, these areas are integrated as one to bring conviviality. The most eye-catching and fascinating design is the wine cellar next to the dining table, which makes it easier to pick the wines to match foods at any time.  It is a design that integrates function with everyday life.



The ceiling of the kitchen area is decorated with a mirror surface, which can ultimately reflect the mood while cooking. The ceiling of the dining area is decorated with wood, presenting a natural atmosphere. The ceiling of the living room is expressed in white. The three areas are parallel and separated by three building materials, with which each domain is effortlessly divided.


Hygge 強調社交探尋,同時重視內在自我調節,深刻享受生活裡的簡單,共享人際間的美好。以Hygge精神打造空間,將完整調適人生隨時能共樂於生活之中。

Hygge emphasizes social exploration while focusing on the inner self.  It emphasizes the profound enjoyment of the simplicity of life and the interaction of interpersonal beauty.  This project creates a space with Hygge philosophy to embrace the possibility of life with a deconstructed space planning, allowing the warmth of sharing and conviviality of a family.

以理性致敬感性 照片1-客廳1

以理性致敬感性 照片1-客廳1

以理性致敬感性 照片2-餐廳

以理性致敬感性 照片2-餐廳

以理性致敬感性 照片3-客廳2

以理性致敬感性 照片3-客廳2

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