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5032 2012-11-20T00:51:54 13
设计师: 邵唯晏
顛覆固有思維 歷史展覽通常都被相當嚴肅的看待,導致參觀者對於歷史展覽有著既定的看法,同時參觀族群又相當特定。因此,館方(業主)有效宣傳展覽,對外徵圖就是希望能夠找出另一種「不同」的思維來重新切入歷史展場,而本案在業主徵圖中脫穎而出的關鍵,在於我們對於歷史展示的再詮釋與再定義。 Overturn the traditional image Historical exhibitions are often considered solemn since people usually have a stereotype of it. In order to promote the exhibition and to attract more audience, the chief of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen’s Memorial Hall held a design competition to seek different ways of thinking about it. We stood out from the competitors finally as we brought up a completely new idea to re-definite the theme. 空間亦是展品的一部分 一般的歷史展場規劃因強調展示與收納的機能,常忽略善用空間的氛圍來強化展題,導致歷史展覽經常乏人問津。因此,我們將展場空間設訂為不僅僅是個硬體,或只是個收納展品的空間,我們更關注內在,希望透過展場空間氛圍的刻畫,讓展覽主題更深切,進而與參觀者產生共鳴,激發出更多的想像空間。 Space is also part of the display Generally speaking, previous historical exhibitions often put too much emphasis on function of display and collection, but overlook the importance of enhancing the theme with the space. To deepen the exhibition theme as well as the impression of the audience, we paid close attention to the internal meaning of it rather than just taking it as a display of collections. 機能的撞擊 為了強化展覽主題,我們截取了國旗飛揚的意象,將連續的動態凝固轉換成靜態的空間畫面。透過藍(自由)、白(平等)、紅(博愛)三種顏色的交織轉換將空間劃分為六個展區,同時移除了既有的遮敝物,透過導引將建國大網完整的呈現,變成整個展區的視覺端點。動態凝固的國旗意象,其空間的流動感,給予參觀者彷彿進入一個藝術展示特區的氛圍。就在嚴肅歷史議題書寫與當代藝術美學呈現兩種program的撞擊下,也確實引起參觀者的注意及共鳴。 Design meets function We took advantage of the image of flag of Taiwan to enhance the impression, turning a series of dynamic movements of waving flag into static images. By interlacing three colors, which are blue (Freedom), white (Equality) and red (Greater love), the space was divided into six zones. The obstructions in the site were all moved in order to turn people’s gaze to the key display “ Constructive Scheme for Our Country”. The static images of waving flag and the atmosphere flowing in the space make the solemn exhibition a contemporary art gallery, which successfully raises the interest of the audience. 電腦輔助設計的介入 本案因為政府標案,在最低標的既有政策下,在有限的預算及工期下,要如期完成形體複雜的展示廳,相當困難。為克服以上的先天劣勢,及顧及工程品質,設計團隊在設計前端採取大量的電腦輔助設計來介入整個流程。從設計的發想到施工圖面的繪製,有效透過參數化的設計流程,以不同於以往的施工圖呈現方式,終於將本案執行完成。 CADCAM system The case is a government’s bid. In accordance with the government “minimum price” principle, it was very difficult to finish the engineering work of the exhibition hall in time. Under limited budget and time, we applied CADCAM system in the process of design and construction. Differed from the past, parametric design process was fully utilized from scratch to construction drawing in this project and successfully completed it within the time frame.






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