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34553 2012-11-20T02:37:56 42 [精品]
设计师: 邵唯晏
建築的初衷 本案為設計研究室位於台北的總部,會定位為「設計研究室」而非「設計公司」,其精神是表達對於空間探索的企圖與渴望,從議題的探討、材料的研發及對於數位工法的創新。我們除了致力於創造好的空間品質外,更期望保有最初建築人對於構築及材料的堅持,體現建築本質的美感與力量。 about CHU-STUDIO Taipei-based CHU-studio is positioned as a “design studio” rather than a “design firm”, and the spirit of which is to explore more possibilities in space through issue discussion, material innovation and digital fabrication. We are committed to better the quality of space, epitomising the power and beauty of architectures, and true to our persistence in tectonic and material. 材料的自明性 我們相當注重材料的細節及組合搭接,在卸除掉浮誇的表象材料後,期望回歸到對於建築最初的信仰,大量使用質樸的材料來表達及相信對於材料自明性的感觸。所有的細部構造及多元機能都基於縝密的構思與量身定制,透過混凝土、黑鐵、原木等材料,以精細的工業計算和理性簡單的線條來詮釋人文的生活態度。透過結合建築與工藝,構築純粹簡單的空間,藉此展現對於建築的熱愛。 about MATERIAL We focus a lot on the details as well as the assembly of material in an attempt to return to our original faith, i.e. using simple and unadorned material and true to their identities. We take all the details and muti-function into consideration and provide customized service. By the assembly of material such as concrete, iron components and timber, we intend to design a pure space to illustrate our attitude toward culture and art, showing our love to architecture by combination of industrial calculation and rational design. 第二自然 因基地本身空間不大,為了讓空間有效使用,整個空間以最少的隔間連結了空間的流動性,同時透過反射性材料的運用強化了空間放大的效果,也將綠、光、影連結至室內,創造「第二自然」的感受。前後立面的大面開窗,大量將天光引入室內,白天幾乎不需要開燈;她像是一幅具極生命力不斷更迭的畫作,將天氣的情緒連結至室內空間,讓設計師們随著時間與天氣的轉換與渲染,有了身心靈上的連結與對話,放鬆解壓一整天設計工作上的煩憂。 SECOND nature Due to limited space of the site, minimum partitions were used to make the most of the space. In order to enlarge the space visually, we employed mirror material to brought external green, light and shadow into the interior to create a “second nature”. Glass curtain walled facades offer an unimpeded view of both the front park and the backyard, allowing the natural light to penetrate deeper within the office so that lamplight is barely needed in the daytime. With the picturesque windows, the designers are able to interact with the weather and the environment all the time as well as relax after a long day at design work.






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