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6098 2012-11-20T02:00:44 20 [精品]
设计师: 邵唯晏
本案位於台灣大溪市區,業主夫婦對於三名子女的教育相當重視,除了翻修老屋外,更增設美術安親教室,期待透過空間環境的色彩風格與明快設計感,藉重鮮明意象在生活中啟發子女的藝術感與創造力。因年輕業主夫婦兩人均留學國外,對前衛觀念的藝術品味與設計事物接受度高,因而特別要求空間特質的營造。對此,我們從整體意象思考空間表現的可能性,提出在空間置入向上生長的大樹做為設計概念意象,以大樹生長對照樹下學習的意象,回應業主對於子女教育的強調與用心。再者,除藝術性外,「大樹」同時擁有更重要的責任與功能。 The case is located in Tahsi. The house owners quite emphasize on three children’s education, so in addition to renovating the old building, they also established a Kids’ art classroom within the house in the hope of inspiring their children’s creativity and cultivating their sense of art. Since the young couple both have studied abroad, they pay much attention to the modern art and edgy design, and value the characteristics and ambiance of the space. We tried to find different possibilities in the space through the whole image and came up with an idea of installing a “giant tree” in the house, for trees in traditional are a source of strength and shelter, and a symbol of parents and their responsibility. Besides the artistry and imagery of the tree, it also has important functions in the house. (1)結構考量 因一樓前段是傳統房舍,在舊結構之上繼續搭建轉換為三層樓的透天厝,因所有樓梯挑空位於同一位置,加上當時建物新舊交接面處理不當,導致整體建物往一樓前段微傾,雖不致於影響建築安全,但討論後還決議局部補強,樹中結構以H鋼補強,由下往上的綠色樹幹,長出地面蜿蜒攀附穿過樓層,向外蔓生高低依托牆面伸展而上,從垂直向度巧妙補強了挑空後的樓板與結構強度。 (2)設計數位性 設計過程也是本案受業主青睞的重點,透過電腦演算的方式,給予空間幾個結構考量下的相對座標,讓「大樹」在虛擬環境中計算,產生可能的支撐形式,後端再由設計師接手處理。天花部分以三角形為原型進行數位演算,漸次將二維的三角形錯落散佈天花板,復以挑空中的大樹為中心,運用精密的折板系統將天花板翻折成立體塊面,由枝幹伸展依附的牆面天花開始變化,沿著挑空周邊建構出延展的起伏角面,企圖營造動態樹蔭之感。而工程部分,透過雷射座標定位,配合電腦輔助系統(CADCAM),就能精準快速完成組立工程。 (3)美術安親教室 業主夫婦愛好藝術,找了幾位老師教導美術創作,大樹的意象就是為了營造一個小朋友的想像天地,藉由抽象樹的造型語彙,讓空間蒙上一層夢想的氛圍。所有房間及教室都圍繞著大樹,小朋友無論在圖書室看書或是教室中上課,都能看到大樹毅力不搖佇立在中央天井區。 (4)作品展示 為回應美術安親教室的需求,大樹也提供許多放置小朋友作品的展示機能,透過吊掛及展示平台的方式,讓小朋友的作品蔓延至整個空間,甚至可以在大樹上塗鴉,將活動與記憶烙印在樹上,同時大樹也成為小朋友間最佳的留言板。 (5) 清透扶手,增大空間效果 本建築為長向街屋,雖縱向夠深,但短向過窄,再扣掉樓梯及房間,空間顯得狹隘,因此我們保留建築既有挑空處,並透過強化玻璃配合樹枝意象,巧妙化身成為輕透的樓梯扶手,藉此讓空間有增大之感,同時鮮明綠色既是視覺焦點,也引導著上下穿越的行進動線。 (1) Structural As the front of the first floor is a traditional Fujian-style house, we continue to build and renovate the old structure into three floors townhouse. Because the open areas of all stairs are the same place, plus the junction of the old and new buildings were not handled properly, it led to the tilt of the building. Though it did not affect the construction safety, we still decided to reinforce it by using H steel reinforcement. The green trunk growing from the bottom to the top and climbing the wall to the ceiling turned out smartly reinforce the structural strength vertically. (2) Digital design Designing process is also the focus of the case favored by the owners. By using the computer operation process, we worked out the tree in a virtual environment, producing a possible supporting form, and then let the designer take over the back-end job. Triangle as the prototype for the digital calculation of the ceiling and the tree as the center, we spread the 2D triangle gradually on the ceiling and use precise folded plate structure system to turn the ceiling into 3D. The changes of ceiling started from the trunk and branches attached to the wall and stretched to ceiling, creating a natural shade of the tree. As to work of positioning, through the laser position system and CADCAM, the folded plates can be assembled and completed by the carpenters quickly and precisely. (3) Kids’ art classroom The couples love art and crafts, and they have employed some professional teachers to teach fine art in the classroom they established. The image of the tree creates a fancy world for kids and, with its abstract shape, the classroom is now full of imagination and learning atmosphere, because wherever in the classroom, every kid can see the tree and feel its accompany. (4) Function of display As an art classroom,the tree also functions as an arts a works display for children. It is also a message board for children to make friend and express their thoughts. (5) Transparent handrails The building is a long approaches street house. Though the long-side is deep enough, the short-side is just too short. As the space was quite narrow, we retained the existing high ceiling and installed strengthen glass, making the space look more spacious. In the meantime, the green tree has also become a visual spot and a route guide of the whole space. 關於介面 (1)透過建築中央切出挑空,引入充足光線,解決多樓層常面臨的光線不足問題,並創造隨自然變化的空中光井。 (2)本建築為長向街屋,因而減少各層隔間牆,降低光線與視覺的阻礙,僅留下最少量的牆面界定空間分區,以此維持空間的開放、穿透與連續的整體感。 (3)將隔間牆上端切除以清透玻璃處理,目的讓各處都能見到大樹,同時有光線均勻散布之效,當予小朋友明亮的學習環境。藉由光線引入與視覺延伸的穿透性,各樓層空間平時流動相融,遇有不同活動需要各自遮蔽、分隔時,搭配輕薄門片的推拉開展,即可達到彼此空間界分的獨立性格。 Interface (1). The building brings sufficient light to every floor through the skylighted central area. It also solves the common problem of insufficient light, and creates a natural and changeable light source from atrium. (2). The building is a long approaches street house, thus we try to reduce the partitions and the obstacle of light and sight in order to make it look more spacious. (3). We removed the upper part of the wall with transparent glasses in order to keep the tree be seen everywhere. By doing this the light can be spread evenly in the house, and children can get a bright and suitable learning environment. 4. Through the flow of light and visual extension, each room and each floor are linked and connected. But when individuals need a little space, sliding doors provides the function of separating difference spaces and keeping privacy.
設計版面p1_concept:樹下(Under the tree)

設計版面p1_concept:樹下(Under the tree)

設計版面p2_concept:樹下(Under the tree)

設計版面p2_concept:樹下(Under the tree)

設計版面p3_參數式設計流程(parametric design process)

設計版面p3_參數式設計流程(parametric design process)

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