作品分类 > 室内设计 > 陈设艺术 > 邵唯晏作品
Designers’ Green Mission
“Freedom” is invited to be on display at Taipei World Design Expo 2011 with the theme of “Green and Sustainability”. Interior design business is often considered not earth friendly as so much woods are used in construction, and so much redundant woods are thrown out simply because people don’t have any other way of re-using them. Given above reason, this chair is designed and made entirely out of discarded woods. As green designers, we not only want to show that these waste woods scraps can be recycled and turned into innovative and stunning pieces but also make people more conscious about the environmental problem.
Sitting or lying? It’s your freedom.
It is said that originally there was no chair in China. Around AC 200 Buddhism entered China and brought with it the idea of the Buddha sitting upon a raised platform. The sitting or reclining postures of the Buddha began to have a great influence on Chinese concept of chair. History shows that in early period, woven mats, which sometimes accompanied by arm rests or low tables, were commonly used by ancient Chinese to sit on floors. The raised platform evolved as an honorific seat for special guests or officials, and longer version of mats were used for reclining and evolved into bench, daybed and bed with multiplex functions.
Four attitudes
Called “freedom”, the concept of design involves four attitudes:
The chair is a green design made from different types of abandoned wood materials.
The chair features the characteristics of traditional Chinese chair and echoed Chinese attitudes toward sitting posture, which is the freedom of sitting or lying.
We combine waste wood with advanced design process(CADCAM), turning abstract design into real piece, and employ modular production method to lower the cost.
In addition to its function, with Zen atmosphere, the chair can also be an artwork or nice décor in the space.
在設計前期階段,我們從資料中定義幾個動作和尺寸,在電腦環境中設計出我們期望的形體,並利用快速成型技術輸出實體模型來進行設計討論與溝通,並在電腦中進行分析與修正。施作第一階段:由於是利用回收的角材,我們必須計算後將之處理成合適並統一的斷面,並在曲面強度不同的地方進行材料分配設定,並開始精確放樣,組立粗坯形體。施作第二階段:以第一階段粗坏為基礎,開始進入電腦數控加工加工成形。從前必須計算好材料與時間,往往十分耗時耗工,本案因借助電腦參數化控制系統,節省大量操作時間及成本。「自在」從設計到施工的過程,都透過電腦輔助設計系統(CADCAM)及電腦參數化設計流程(Parametric Design Process)精密控制,企圖在一定的預算內,將無秩序的物件(object)模矩化與製程化,化腐朽角料成為神奇藝術品。
Process of design and construction
At the beginning, we defined several postures and dimensions to design and adjust the figure we want from CADCAM programs, and then Rapid Prototyping technique was used to read in data from our CADCAM drawing to produce physical models.Phase 1 of construction:Recycled wood materials were processed appropriately with identical section before re-using and then distributed according to the chair’s curve and intensity. After that, we were able to begin the layout and fabrication process.Phase 2 of construction:Based on Step 1, the computer file was loaded into the Computer Numerical Control(CNC) machines for production. It significantly reduced the time and cost required to produce a free-form or geometric feature in comparison with the past.Conclusion:With CADCAM system, Parametric Design Process, modular production method and budget control, we successfully combined waste woods and computerized design process, turning salvage into stunning artwork.
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