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究・敘 / Tailored Narrative

9137 2019-07-25T01:07:39 18 [佳作]
设计师: 周子柔
究・敘 / Tailored Narrative说明:




Tailoring the scenery and light as the narrative motif, we unveiled the existing blocked window and reintroduced natural light into the space, furthermore, we relocated and resized each zone by analyzing the client’s life habit. By adopting the light as a design element, not only we highlighted and utilized the existing advantage but also meet the energy-saving purpose. For this limited yet opened space, we introduced minimum walls to set and buffering the boundaries between public and private area. The opened public space was divided into different zones with blurred boundaries by those existing ceiling beams, the black bookcase volume, so even zones are overlapping with each other but still possess their own function and also maintains the cohesive flow in the space. We applied the monochrome color onto different material textures, in order to enhance the sense of sleek and refined impression, also aimed to enhance the subtle dialogue between space, light and its exterior scenery.

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