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Taipei K House

8542 2019-10-17T14:04:02 10 [精品]
设计师: 湯程雯
Taipei K House说明:


對於先天不良的傾斜建築外牆問題,透過適當的空間切分,降低視覺的傾斜感。在動 線規劃上採用「動線就是空間」的原則規劃,讓空間不會浪費在單純的通道功能上, 讓空間可以得到最多的利用性以及舒適感。

位於都市中心的 28 坪老屋有著優良採光,但卻有著樓板過低、牆面傾斜的結構問題 ,設計師為屋主夫妻注入植栽、金屬等時下時髦元素,結合穠纖合度的色彩搭配,打造寧靜、時尚的居家場所。


This is a place for tranquility, life of ease, companionship for the loved ones, reading, cooking, resting and traveling memories.

The 84 square-meter old apartment, located in the city center, is well naturally-lit, but with lower floor height and structural problem of leaned walls. The designers brought in fashionable elements such as plantation and metal, coupled with exquisite color selection, making a tranquil and posh living place.

Regarding the inherent problem of the leaning external wall, the spatial-partitioning was intended to minimize the perceptual sense of visual leaning. In the planning of circulation path, the theme of “Path of movement being part of space” was adopted, so as to optimize the economy and comfort from multiplied spatial usage of more than just paths.

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