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The Harbor House

26363 2014-10-22T16:28:33 13 [佳作]
设计师: 羅耕甫
The Harbor House说明:
建築物坐落在高雄港灣區,室內有連續性大面積的開窗,在設計上我們盡量保持公共空間的連續性,期待取得水平視野的展開,以及生活在港灣的親水性。 空間中大量使用橡木的自然拼貼木皮,牆上刻意留下溝縫與凸出的實木條,增加光影在牆面移動的豐富性,呈現出70年代的設計風格。木皮做煙燻處理是利用材料本身單寧值的差異性,木皮經煙燻後有更好的色差表現,而耐候上,日照及紫外線對材料疲乏的反應也獲得改善。 客廳、餐廳、起居室及開放的廚房中島被安排在公共空間的長型軸線上,也因此空間行為被計畫性地整合,室內的公區與港區的美景完全貼合,軸線的端點迎向陽台的景觀植栽,形成有趣的對應。牆面及天花板木皮的裝修,以客餐廳及起居室的家具擺設,提供很好的空間連續性表現。利用牆面材料的消光處理及物件間彼此的相對應尺度創造關聯性,使得空間中的每個角落有良好的安定感,期待開放又能夠療癒的空間中,能讓使用者享受美好的港灣生活。 臥房區則保留了充足的生活尺度空間,以及絕佳的觀海視野,風格設計上則刻意拉開彼此的差異性。主臥室被安排在最靠近海灣的位置,陽台、臥室、泡澡區打破了空間界定的藩籬,穿透性的設計讓三者之間的關係更加密切,並且共享了窗外景緻,臥室向陽台借了綠意,使環境與室內空間產生了連結,更讓臥室充滿陽光與生命力。 The building is located in the area of the bay and harbor in Kaohsiung. There are large windows. We tried our best to maintain the idea of continuous public space in order to have the broaden view and the feeling of living near the sea. The natural oak veneer is used abundantly. The grooves and protruding wood bars are left deliberately to enhance variety of moving light and shadow on the wall. It presents the design style in 1980s. Veneer receives the smoke treatment by the difference of tannins value. The veneer shows better color difference after receiving the smoke treatment. The weather resistance and material fatigue caused by sunshine and Ultraviolet will be improved. Living room, dining room, bedrooms and open kitchen islands are arranged on the long axis of the public space so the spatial behavior is integrated. The interior public space and beautiful view of the harbor are combined perfectly. The endpoint of the axis aims to the planting landscape in the balcony. It presents an interesting correspondence. Good continuous space is presented by the decoration by veneer on the wall and ceiling and the arrangement of furniture in living room and bedrooms. The gloss removing treatment for the wall’s material and the relative positions of items create the coherence. They provide the sense of security everywhere in the house. It is expected to have the open and healing space to let the users enjoy the life near the harbor and bay. The sufficient living space is maintained in the bedroom area. The difference is presented by the beautiful view of sea and design. The master bedroom is arranged at the position closet to the bay. The balcony, bedrooms and the bath area break the barriers of the space. Penetrating design allows them to be closer. The view outside the window is shared. The bedroom shares the greenery with the balcony. It makes the connection for the environment and the interior. The bedrooms are full of sunshine and vitality.






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