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The 39 House Sales Center
本案嘗試抽離古典的奢華,並且置入80年代的雅痞風格,沒有世襲貴族文化,且生活方式漸漸衍生出特有的興新文化,此風格的置入,在空間中必然有反傳統的特點,這些細節皆運用在裝修材料及家具的配置上。空間中所有的機能需求皆建立在行為上,也就是所謂的”實用主義”。矩形的開放空間劃分出三種使用機能,在空間的區分上利用”機能”圍塑出使用場域,使得空間的使用上更加寬敞與流暢,也因此讓室內與外在環境的關係更加密切。進入公共空間,大面積的茶鏡天花板串連全場,低度反射的鏡面讓空間中瀰漫著古典氣息,亦同時與雅痞風格的吧檯產生對應,兩者之間的關係在空間中扮演著重要的角色。吧檯選用消光面的玄武岩洞石包覆,石材的孔洞搭配凹凸錯落的拼貼方式,在燈光的照射下呈現豐富多元的表情,長吧檯在寬闊的空間中,發揮了動線引導的功能,給予使用者明確的行進方向,亦增加空間中的安定感。家具搭配打破刻板的印象,以古典雙人沙發及雅痞Armchair的出現轉化與人之間的互動關係,替沙發區增添戲劇性的衝擊,並形成風格上的強烈對比,道破了整體空間欲闡述的訊息,一切的矛盾與衝突在此得到了充分的詮釋。The luxury of classic is pulled away in an attempt, and yuppie style of the 80s is added in the project. There isn't the culture of aristocratic hereditary, and the unique emerging culture is evolved gradually in life style. Indeed, there is a feature of anti-tradition in the space after the style is added. The elements are applied in the decoration materials and furniture configuration. All the functions and needs of the space are based on the behavior, in the other words; it is “Pragmatism. ” Rectangular open space is divided into three kinds of function. The division of the space is based on the function. It makes the use of space to be more spacious and smooth, therefore, the indoor and outdoor's connection become much closer. The large tawny mirror arranged on the ceiling with low specular reflection in the public space makes the space filled with classic atmosphere. It is corresponding with the yuppie-style bar. The connection of which plays an important role in the space. The dull surface travertine of basalt is selected to cover the bar. The scattered collage and stone holes present the rich and divers expression under light irradiation. The long bar in a wild space plays the function of moving line to indicate the users a clear direction and enhance the sense of stability. The arrangement of furniture breaks the stereotype. The classic double sofa and yuppie armchair transform the interaction with people and add the dramatic impact to the sofa area. It becomes a strong contrast of style to reveal the message of the overall space. There has been an adequate interpretation of contradiction and conflict.
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