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帕可麗酒店 Park Lees Hotel

60214 2019-12-18T17:07:30 16 [佳作]
设计师: 吳冠諺
帕可麗酒店 Park Lees Hotel说明:

Park Lees Hotel有著這座海洋港都的縮影,同時也有著獨特的地理優勢,如其名因為鄰近的公園綠地所賦予的一片綠景與充沛的陽光,延伸進酒店所屬的每一寸景致,襯托的是這座城市的美好與文化。






Park Lees Hotel offers microcosms of Kaohsiung the Marine City and unique geographical advantage. As its name, the nearby parkland gives abundant greenish landscape and sunshine extending into every inch of hotel’s scenery that brings out Kaohsiung’s beauty and cultures.


The cultural vessel of the Marine City sails into the lobby as the resting spot for travelers taking long journeys. The irregular parquet of marble floor produces wave-like sparkle refraction, creating the scene like light waves flapping on reefs on walls with reflected sea light projected onto ceilings stack of mirrored metal plates. One is greeted by images of Kaohsiung when entering the lobby, allowing the City to be the best staying place for travelers.


Urban cultural elements can be discovered at every corner of the public space. The greenish scene is soaked into the window view from the restaurant, smudged in the velvet green of cloth, and the images representing clouds on the treetop are turned from soft invisible ones to irregular geometric-shaped lamps, which are extending into the interior to form a characteristic view at the top of the room.The marble reflects the texture of extension, decorating the space with delicacies. When stepping on carpets with scenes of ocean spray created by seawater flaps and wondering back to elegant bedrooms, one can end the weary day and prepare for a glowing tomorrow full of greenish delight.

1F Hotel Lobby 

1F Hotel Lobby 腳底下折射的是波光粼粼的大理石不規則拼花。充沛的岸光拍打著壁面礁石,反射的海景光線投射在天花板中層層疊疊的鏡面金屬板上,於入門大廳完整呈現海洋港都意象

1F Corridor

1F Corridor 梯廳則使用雕刻白大理石為主要面材,獨立出柱狀的電梯按鈕,並搭配鐵件與石材形塑美式線板造型框

2F Restaurant 

2F Restaurant 綠意漫進餐廳的窗景,暈染在布面的絨綠中

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