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Elevating Stacking 浮光岛屿

2511 2023-06-19T15:32:10 10 [佳作]
设计师: 沈中怡
Elevating Stacking 浮光岛屿说明:

Elevating & stacking


The site for this project is relatively small for all the required programs.


Stacking these programs is the only solution for the project. Parking spaces, two model homes, architectural model/media room, a few conference rooms, office space and bathrooms are needed here.


The lobby at the ground floor is the leftover space from the parking space and driving lane. We use the stair to create a kind of vertical openness at the corner. The conference rooms are located at the 4th floor and setback from the façade in order to have greenery for both interior space and also at the façade. The two model rooms and architectural model/media rooms located at both second and third floor in order to have a continuous circulation for visitors.


The form of the building is about the expression of stacking, elevating, interlocking, and revealing, which derived from the manipulating these required programs within.


To integrate into the environment context, we use metal mesh and exposed structure to dialogue with the construction site nearby (the real site of the real estate), but create a green buffer zone between the mesh metal of the façade and interior space.   


The form of the building is about the expression of stacking, elevating, interlocking, and revealing, which derived from the manipulating these required programs within.

The form of the building is about the expression of stacking, elevating, interlocking, and revealing, which derived from the manipulating these required programs within.

The elevating and stacking expression of the building at night. And the greenery become another appearance at night.

The elevating and stacking expression of the building at night. And the greenery become another appearance at night.

The ground floor is open up for parking, and to make the building floating visually.

The ground floor is open up for parking, and to make the building floating visually.

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